Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pre Christmas Randomness

Merry week before Christmas everyone!

Tree up, gifts wrapped, board games ready, cookies baked and family coming to take over the house.  And of course for us northern people, Christmas wouldn't be complete without it being deep freeze temperatures here.  Interesting enough, as I write this, it is super windy and the temp has risen to a balmy -4 C.  Bring out the shorts honey, let's hit the beach!  

The past 3 weeks, temps have not gotten warmer than -20 C and have been as cold as -35 C.  Supposed to be warmer for a couple days, then cooling a bit.  I only wish we would get a dump load of snow right now.  If it is going to be winter then do it right so we can ski, snowmobile and cross country ski.  Am I right? 
 All you guys still running outside in shorts right now make me sick.  

Last year at this time, our family was doing just that.  Running in shorts in sunny California as we attempted to skip Christmas.  Actually we were just skipping our families.  Oops, did I say that out loud?  Maybe I should rephrase that- we were skipping the stress.  I love Christmas and I love that both our families are close by and we don't ever need to travel through the holidays but it makes for so darn much jumping around from house to house.  Being away received a mixed bag of acceptance from the kids; a couple hated to miss the normal traditions of being home through the holidays and the other 2 were fine with trying something different.  This year, now looking back, they all thought it was a good idea.  Guess we will be trying it again sometime.  

Our boys are coming home mid week and it seems they have survived most of their exams.  If you have ever had the opportunity to experience post secondary exam time- it's something you never forget.  I feel for them.  But a necessary part of growing up, struggling a bit then getting stronger and more confident.
Speaking of struggles, this has been especially helpful for me lately.   

And now some randomness.

I went for a bike fitting a couple weeks ago.  The guys at Dutch Cycle in Regina know how to treat people right.  I told my husband they have a good business by doing good business.  Freddy took all my questions in stride and I learned a ton about both road cycling and triathlon bike fits. My position on the bike was drastically changed.  My saddle moved up and back a lot.  I was told I may feel a bit sore or different after a few rides as my positioning before had me so scrunched up I never really got full extension.  30 ish miles on Saturday and I knew getting out of bed Sunday morning was going to be a rest day.  But faster and more powerful- can't beat that.

My bike on the left and the retul bike for fitting on the right.

Electrodes on me to track the position of my foot, knee, hips, shoulders and arms.

I was at the bike fitting for over 4 hours and came out with a ton of information.  So much appreciation for quality assistance.

We ordered some new furniture and it finally arrived.  With kids leaving home and sending stuff with them, we had only the odd chair and a love seat in our main family room.  Can you see anything odd about our set up?

A beautiful day with hoar frost on the trees.  Love it.

My husband loves peanuts through Christmas.  He went looking for some and couldn't find any.  I accidentally found them and asked him how many bags he wanted.  He thought 10 but settled for 3.

I also found this floating around on social media.  Makes me smile every time.

Have a wonderful week before Christmas.  Next post I will be laying out my 2017 endurance event plans as well as how I am planning to train for them.

Have a great week!

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